- Sweeping
- Vacuuming
- Mopping
- Cleaning curtain railings
- Bathrooms
- Ceiling fans
- Window and dusting furniture
- Ironing and folding clothes
- Pre-moving house cleaning
Below are few of the package:
i. Each trip (4hours) -----------------------------------RM55
ii.Standard Package A (Weekdays Only)
4 Trips per month, each trips 4 hours ----------------RM200
iii.Standard Package B (Weekends Only)
4 Trips per month, each trips 4 hours ----------------RM250
iv. Package C (Any day of the week)
8 Trips per month each trips 4 hours -----------------RM380
All the packages as above with terms and conditions of :
** Minimum Order (4 hours)
** Each Additional Trip (RM40.00)
** Each Additional Hour (RM9.90)
Detergent will be PROVIDE.